


VII. 保健物理と環境科学 » 保健物理と環境科学

[2I14-19] 核種移行評価

2022年9月8日(木) 16:20 〜 18:00 I会場 (E1棟3F 34番教室)

座長:木名瀬 栄(JAEA)

16:35 〜 16:50

[2I15] Simulation of Nuclear Accident Evacuation using MASSIVES (a Multi Agent Speedy Simulated Interactive Visual Evacuation System ) .

*Martin Andersson1, Susumu Ryufuku1, Hiroko Kido1, Mitsuhiro Kanno1, Naohiro Kurosawa1 (1. V.I.C.)

キーワード:Evacuation Simulation , Nuclear Accident, Shadow Evacuation, Multi Agent System, OIL

We present the continued development and improvement of a hybrid model approach to producing time estimates for evacuation planning using graph adheared multi agent simulation.

We are constructing the simulation environment to simulate evacuation, and the potential influence of shadow evacuation in the Tokai mura PAZ, and UPZ. Further we are expanding the simulation of our first case of the area surrounding the Tomari NPP to include OIL(Operational Intervention Level) events in addition to the previously simulated EAL(Emergency Action Level) events.