2022 Fall Meeting

Presentation information

Planning Lecture

Technical division and Network » Social and Environment Division

[3F_PL] Reflection of Fukushima nuclear accident

2021 Award Commemorative lecture of Social & Env.Div

Fri. Sep 9, 2022 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM Room F (E1 Bildg.3F No.31)

Chair: Shiji Tsuchida (Kansai Univ.)

[3F_PL01] What became clear from the 10-year Investigation Commission on the Fukushima Nuclear Accident

*Kazuto Suzuki1 (1. UTokyo)

In this session entitled "Reflection of Fukushima nuclear accident ", three speakers who compiled the following reports will give lectures. The reports are "10-year Investigation Commission on the Fukushima Nuclear Accident" ,"The Truth of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Accident " (by NHK Meltdown Interview Group) ,and "Fukushima Nuclear Accident Special Feature" of AESJ.Based on the reports, three speakers will introduce the causes that could not prevent this accident, the erification of the nuclear safety countermeasures taken after the accident, the extraction of the issues that became apparent after accident, and the perspectives of analysis for the future. Through these, we aim to provide opportunities to learn and practice what we should do about nuclear safety.