2023 Fall Meeting

Presentation information

Oral presentation

VI. Fusion Energy Engineering » 601-3 Tritium Science and Technology (Fuel Recovery and Refining, Measurement, Iisotope Effect, Safe Handling)

[1L01-03] Tritium Production and Environmental Behavior

Wed. Sep 6, 2023 10:00 AM - 10:50 AM Room L (ES Bildg. 3F ES033)

Chair:Yu Tachibana(Nagaoka Univ. of Tech.)

10:15 AM - 10:30 AM

[1L02] Experimental investigation of tritium release behavior from neutron irradiated LiAlO2 with Zr for tritium production in high-temperature gas-cooled reactor

*Hiroki Isogawa1, Kazunari Katayama1, Hideaki Matsuura1, Makoto Oya1, Seiyo Kobayashi1 (1. KYUSHU UNIVERSITY)

Keywords:Tritium, High temmperature gas-cooled reactor, Tritium behavior

Although it is essential to elucidate tritium release characteristics from LiAlO2 in order to secure initially loaded tritium in fusion reactors, there are few reports on this subject. In this study, tritium release characteristics of neutron-irradiated Zr-doped LiAlO2 were investigated and the issues of tritium production in actual HTGR were discussed.