2023 Fall Meeting

Presentation information

Oral presentation

V. Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Nuclear Materials » 505-2 Waste Disposal and Its Environmental Aspects

[2D05-10] TRU Waste 1

Thu. Sep 7, 2023 10:35 AM - 12:10 PM Room D (IB Bildg.1F Large Lecture Room)

Chair:Masayuki Ishibashi(KAJIMA)

11:20 AM - 11:35 AM

[2D08] Leaching behavior of radionuclides from irradiated endpiece under geological repository condition

(5) Experimental evaluation for the C-14 release fraction by Accelerator mass spectrometry

*Naoki Tezuka1, Hiroaki Suganuma1, Kenichiro Kino1, Toshinori Taniuchi2, Akira Sakashita2, Hiroyuki Matsuzaki3, Hiroyoshi Ueda4, Tomofumi Sakuragi4 (1. NDC, 2. MHI, 3. UTokyo, 4. RWMC)

Keywords:TRU waste, Geological disposal, Hull endpiece, C-14, Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS)

In the safety assessment of TRU waste disposal, it is important to understand the release behavior of C-14 from TRU waste. In particular, the amount of metal waste such as end pieces discussed in this study is limited for an experiment due to the high concentration of radioactivity. In addition, since the emission rate of C-14 is slow, it has been difficult to obtain the measured data on the emission rate of C-14 because the measurement sensitivity is not sufficient by the conventional radiometric approach. In this study, we used Accelerator Mass Spectrometry and performed quantitative analysis of very small amounts of C-14 emitted from endpiece specimens in an experimental environment.