10:30 AM - 10:45 AM
[1H01] Li-7 Enrichment Technology Development by MCCCE Method
(4) Current Status of Technology Development in 2022
Keywords:MCCCE, Li-7, PWR, Russia
The pH of PWR primary cooling water is adjusted using LiOH, it is necessary to remove Li-6 and to enrich Li-7 thoroughly due to exposure management to radiation. Russia is only supplier of Li-7. However, this poses a security challenge from Ukraine problem too. The mercury amalgamation method used by to handle mercury poses an environmental challenge. To avoid such risks, a domestic supply system that takes into account these aspects is necessary. We focused on the multi-channel counter-current electrophoresis (MCCCE) method as an alternative enrichment technique to the existing methods. This method, the target isotopes are enriched by combining the capillary and counter-current methods of electrophoresis. An overview of the development of Li-7 enrichment by this method is presented.