2023 Annual Meeting

Presentation information

Oral presentation

V. Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Nuclear Materials » 504-1 Isotope Separation, Application of Isotopes, Uranium Enrichment

[1H01-05] Isootope Separation

Mon. Mar 13, 2023 10:30 AM - 11:55 AM Room H (13 Bildg.1F 1312)

Chair:Shuichi Hasegawa(UTokyo)

10:45 AM - 11:00 AM

[1H02] Li-7 Enrichment Technology Development by MCCCE Method

(5) Development of a planer type instrument and current status of an experiment for the Li-7 enrichment

*Tadafumi Kishimoto1, Izumi Ogawa2, Kenji Matsuoka1, Takao Fukumoto1, Ryuta Hazama3, Makoto Hasegawa4, Mai Fukumori4, Takanobu Shiraishi5, Tomohiko Kawakami5, Takehiko Tsukahara6 (1. Research Center for Nuclear Physics, Osaka University, 2. Fukui University, 3. Osaka SangyOsaka Sangyou University, 4. ATOX CO.LTD, 5. KAKEN CO.LTD, 6. Tokyo Institute of Technology)

Keywords:Li-7 , Enrichment, MCCCE Method, Hagen–Poiseuille flow

MCCCE method is an electrophoresis combined with counter current to achieve effective enrichment of isotopes. We have been studying enrichment of Li-7 by this method. Use of BN materials for migration path improves substantially heat removal that leads to effective enrichment. So far cylindrical migration path was employed. We are developing a new type instrument which employs planer type migration path. I will report the current status of the development.