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Journal of CPIJ


Sat. Nov 7, 2020 9:00 AM - 12:20 PM 第V会場

司会:小嶋 文(埼玉大学大学院)、西堀 泰英((公財)豊田都市交通研究所)、吉田 長裕(大阪市立大学)

9:40 AM - 10:00 AM

[56] A Study on the Balance of Service Required by TAMANO City’s DRT Users

Seiji Hashimoto1, ○Haruka Uno1, Hitoshi Sin2 (1. Okayama University, 2. Tamano City General Affairs Department)

Keywords:DRT, Balance of Service, Local Traffic

In local cities of Japan, it is difficult to move without a car. In addition to this, the number of public transport services is being reduced and abolished, there are many problems related to regional movement. Currently, the introduction of DRT (Demand Responsive Transport) is progressing in Japan. In this research, we clarify the balance of various service contents that DRT users demand, based on the opinions of users in the area where DRT has already been introduced. As a result, it became clear that users felt attractive in the order of "low fare", "taxi subsidy", "reservation service on smartphone", and "information service such as events". Moreover, items such as age, gender, and life satisfaction were cited as characteristics of users who are attracted to services that do not depend on money.