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Journal of CPIJ


Sat. Nov 11, 2023 9:40 AM - 12:10 PM 第VI会場 (A棟 G31教室)

司会:村上 しほり(大阪公立大学)、神山 藍(東洋大学)、籾山 真人(東京女子大学)、中島 伸(東京都市大学)

10:20 AM - 10:40 AM

[57] A Study on the Relationship between the Preservation of heritage and the Inheritance of Memory of the Tragedy.

- Focusing on the process of preservation of heritage

○Yukiko Hazutani1, Daisuke Abe2 (1. Architects, Regional Planners & Associates, Kyoto, 2. Faculty of Policy Science,Ryukoku University)

Keywords:memory of tragedy, memory inheritance, heritage preservation, preservation process

This study shows the process of preservation of heritage symbolizing tragedy and organizes the development of succession activities by various entities involved in the heritage. In the preservation of the legacy of tragedy, the entities involved are guided by a multifaceted and diverse evaluation of the legacy that cannot be unified. In the inheritance of memories of tragedies, symbolic spaces are desired by people. Preservation of heritage sites enables the transmission of memories of tragedy beyond the local region through tourism and learning through visits to the sites.