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Journal of CPIJ


Sat. Nov 11, 2023 9:40 AM - 12:10 PM 第VI会場 (A棟 G31教室)

司会:村上 しほり(大阪公立大学)、神山 藍(東洋大学)、籾山 真人(東京女子大学)、中島 伸(東京都市大学)

10:50 AM - 11:10 AM

[58] Impact of recent institutional changes and the "Leipzig Charter" in the revision of the Land Use Ordinance 2021

- Realities and challenges of the urban planning system for compact, mixed-use and sustainable urban development in Germany

○Naotaka Ota1, Naomi Shimpo2 (1. University of Hyogo, School of Human Science and Environment, 2. University of Hyogo, Graduate School of Landscape Design and Management)

Keywords:Germany, Land Use Ordinance, building use, building density, Leipzig Charter

Compact, mixed-use urban structures are understood to lead to sustainable urban development and they are mainstream in contemporary urban planning both domestically and internationally. This study clarifies this trend in other countries through the revision of the German Land Use Ordinance (BauNVO). A comprehensive literature review revealed the following four points: 1) Even in Germany, there is a gap between the ideal and reality of urban planning, and there is much trial and error and debate in institutional design; 2) Currently, there is steady progress in expanding the permissibility of building uses and relaxing building density; 3) The mix of uses in rural spaces faces different challenges from those in urban spaces; 4) Political leadership is essential to realize the principles of the Leipzig Charter.