10:50 AM - 11:10 AM
[92] A Study on the actual condition and Potential for Land Use Control Based on the Zoning System in Rural Communities
- The Case of Sakuragawa City In Ibaraki Prefecture
Keywords:Land use control, District plan system, Development permission, Area Division, Urbanization control area
Sakuragawa City of Prefecture has a land use control method that combines District plan system with a basic land use ordinance. This study examined the actual situation and potential use of this system. Based on the data, a study of changes in development permit locations before and after the introduction of the system showed that development converged within the zone after the system was put in place. As a result, it was found that the system had a certain development inducement effect. The case of Sakuragawa City can be a system to deal with new land use based on changing social conditions that can be used other municipalities.