9:40 AM - 10:00 AM
[111] Current Status and Issues of Reconstruction Town Planning in Unosumai Area, City of Kamaishi
- Focusing on the community living environment
Keywords:Tohoku earthquake, Reconstruction planning, Community living environment
Ten years after the Great East Japan Earthquake, reconstruction projects such as seawalls, land readjustment, and relocation to higher ground have already been completed. To what extent has reconstruction and urban planning improved the living environment of local communities and made it easier to live there? The purpose of this paper is to clarify the current status and issues of the community living environment of the local community in the heavily damaged area of Unosumai, City of Kamaishi, Iwate Prefecture. We focused on four aspects of the local community's living environment: 1) housing reconstruction, 2) the environment for interaction among local residents, 3) the daily living environment for shopping and walking, and 4) the environment for raising children. Finally, we discussed a new model of reconstruction for a such town with a declining population, falling birthrate, and aging population.