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Poster Presentation

[P1-1~141] Poster Presentation 1

Thu. May 11, 2017 9:30 AM - 4:00 PM Poster Room A (1F Navis A.B.C)

[P1-118] A case report of neuromyelitis optics with 30 years’ interval between optic neuropathy and spinal cord injury

Xinyue Zhang (Department of Neurologyand Neuroscience Center, The First Hospital of Jilin University, China)

[Objective] To improve the recognition of long time interval between optic neuropathy and spinal cord injury of neuromyelitis optica, to reduce the misdiagnosis and missed diagnosis.
[Method] To summy a48-year-old man patient hospitalized in our department with 30 years’ interval between optic neuropathy and spinal cord injury, including his history, clinical manifestations, laboratory examinations and prognosis.
[Results] The AQP4 antibody in his cerebrospinal fluid was positive, abnormal finding in visual evoked potential ,spinal cord MRI showed abnormal intramedullary long T2 signal at C3-6 Besides,he suffered from the secondary pulmonary tuberculosis and a suspicious Sicca Syndrome. After diagnosed as neuromyelitis optica ,the clinical symptom and signs were improved with corticosteroid therapy. [Conclusion] There could be a long term interval between optica neurtitis and myelitis, it may exist in a stable period, so when the patients appear optic nerve symptoms, doctors should pay attention to cinical features and imaging examination of subclinical lesion in spinal cord, AQP4 antibody examination as well,to assess the possibility of converting to MS or NMO.At the same time, we must screen whether it combines with other immune related diseases, once diagnosed, use hormone therapy as soon as possible.