
Poster Presentation

[P1-1~141] Poster Presentation 1

2017年5月11日(木) 09:30 〜 16:00 Poster Room A (1F Navis A・B・C)

[P1-3] Effects of speed and accuracy of arithmetic facts and calculation procedures on arithmetic achievement in schoolchildren

Eiji Wakamiya (Faculty of Neuro Science, Aino University, Japan)

According to DSM-5, number sense, arithmetic facts and calculation procedures affect to calculation skills, and developmental dyscalculia are diagnosed by impairment in speed and accuracy of arithmetic facts and calculation procedures. However, how calculation skills relate to arithmetic achievement has yet to be clear. In this study, correlations between each calculation factors and arithmetic achievement are investigated. 395 schoolchildren (grade 1~6) in mainstream classes of a school were included. Screening kit for academic intervention program (SKAIP) was used as calculation skill tests. Calculation speed and accuracy of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division were measured. Arithmetic examination of Norm Reference Test (NRT) was performed as an index of arithmetic achievement. Pearson’s correlation coefficient between the results of SKAIP and NRT were calculated. Correlation coefficients between accuracy and achievement were relatively low, although the ones between speed and achievement were relatively high. Besides, there were increasing tendency of correlation coefficient of speed and achievement as promotion of grades, while decline tendency between accuracy and achievement. Generally, accuracy is a key to master calculation skills at school, while the importance of fluent calculation seems unsung. However, the current results indicate fluent calculation both in arithmetic facts and calculation procedure relate to academic achievement in arithmetic more closely. It is essential to put an eye on calculation speed even if it is not explicit in a classroom.