
Poster Presentation

[P1-1~141] Poster Presentation 1

2017年5月11日(木) 09:30 〜 16:00 Poster Room A (1F Navis A・B・C)

[P1-62] Treatment of juvenile myoclonic epilepsy and assessment of patient’s background

MIKI INUTSUKA (Sasebo Chuo Hospital)

We retrospectively investigated treatment course, medication and lifestyle status in 9 cases of juvenile myoclonic epilepsy undergoing regular follow-up observations at our department. Valproic acid was administered to 8 cases and seizures ceased in 6 cases. Although lamotrigine was administered to 3 cases, it was discontinued in all 3 cases for reasons including increased myoclonic seizures and insufficient effects. Levetiracetam was administered to 5 cases. Seizures ceased in 4 of these cases, but the drug was discontinued in 1 case for drowsiness. In 3 cases, the treatment was started after a delay of 6 months or more since onset for reasons such as not seeking medical attention because the patient was not aware that myoclonic seizures was a clinical problem, or because diagnosis of epilepsy was delayed. Although initial medication compliance was poor in 5 cases, patients have generally been showing good compliance since they gave birth, had repeated generalized tonic clonic seizures caused by non-compliance or wanted to obtain a driver’s license, etc. It has been indicated that there is a tendency for patients with this disease to exhibit an immature personality or lack of consciousness of their condition, making patients prone to exhibit poor compliance. Our results were consistent with this tendency. However, points requiring improvement were seen in physicians as well such as taking a long time until making the correct diagnosis and giving inappropriate treatment that exacerbated the condition.