
Poster Presentation

[P2-1~135] Poster Presentation 2

2017年5月12日(金) 10:00 〜 15:40 Poster Room A (1F Navis A・B・C)

[P2-134] Initial Monotherapy of Newly Diagnosed Pediatric Epilepsy: Expert Opinion in China

Zhisheng Liu (Department of Neurology, Wuhan Children's Hospital, Wuhan, China)

Objective: To compile expert consensus opinion in initial monotherapy of newly diagnosed pediatric epilepsy in China. Method: A questionnaire on monotherapy of pediatric epilepsy by the Delphi Method was sent to some pediatric neurologists of the tertiary hospital in the field of epilepsy. The experts were asked to recommend initial medications for newly diagnosed common pediatric epilepsy types and epileptic syndromes using the modified 5-point scale for medical appropriateness. Result: Among the 58 experts to whom the survey was sent, 53 (91.4%) replied the questionnaire effectively. The results showed that oxcarbazepine and carbamazepine were the first choice in the initial monotherapy for partial seizures and secondarily generalized seizures. Valproate was initial treatment of choice for generalized seizures, epileptic spasms, multi-type seizures and unclassified epileptic seizures. As initial therapy for Lennox-Gastaut syndrome, Doose syndrome, Landau-Kleffner syndrome, epilepsy with continuous spike-waves during slow-wave sleep and juvenile myoclonic epilepsy, valproate was initial treatment of choice. For childhood absence epilepsy, ethosuximide and Valproate were initial treatment of choice. As initial therapy for infantile spasms, adrenocorticotropichormone (ACTH) was treatment of choice. Conclusion: These results concisely summarizes clinical experience of pediatric epilepsy experts in China, and this opinion may be helpful in initial monotherapy of newly diagnosed common pediatric epilepsy types and epileptic syndromes.