
Poster Presentation

[P2-136~192] Poster Presentation 2

2017年5月12日(金) 10:00 〜 15:40 Poster Room B (1F Argos F)

[P2-170] Schizencephaly:Clinical Spectrum,Imaging Features, and Prognosis

Gao Li (Department of Pediatrics, Henan Provincial People’s Hospital, Henan, China)

Introduction: we collect the clinical manifestations and MRI results of 35 patients who were diagnosed as schizencephaly, to help clinicians know better about diagnosis and prognosis of this disease. Methods: we collected the information of 35 infants with schizencephaly. Results: 19 (54%) are male, 16(46%) are female; 8 cases have history of contacting teratogens, and prenatal infection(23%); 5 cases have history of febrile seizures(14%); 2 cases have history of maternal mental illness(6%). 20 cases show hemiparesis(57%), 5 cases show tetraparesis(14%), 17 cases show cognitive/developmental deficits(49%), 15 cases show speech impairment(43%), and 18 cases show seizures (51%). 24 cases show unilateral clefts (69%), 11 cases show bilateral clefts (31%), 21 cases show open lip cleft (60%), 10 cases show closed lip cleft(29%), 4 cases show open and closed lip cleft(11%), 12 cases show focal cortical dysplasia around the cleft(34%), 7 cases show cortical dysplasia beyond the cleft(20%), and 16 cases are without malformations (46%). Among 18 cases with seizures, 9 of them show seizures from 2-years-old(50%), 8 cases show seizures from adolescence(44%) and 1case show seizures from 4 years old. Conclusion: patients with bilateral cleft show worse prognosis. Patients with cortical dysplasia beyond the cleft or with open lip cleft are more easily attacked by seizures. Unilateral cleft is a risk factor for seizure, in which case most patients can be controlled with antiepileptic drugs. MRI plays an important role in the diagnosis of schizencephaly.