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Poster Presentation

[P3-147~204] Poster Presentation 3

Sat. May 13, 2017 10:00 AM - 3:40 PM Poster Room B (1F Argos F)

[P3-172] Non-pharmacological intervention for self-injurious behavior in mentally handicapped populations

Ikumi Kimura (The National Rehabilitation Center for Children with Disabilities)

We had been aimed to clarify the background factors and profiles of self-injurious behavior (SIB) in mentally and physically handicapped subjects. Formerly, we reported on the efficacy of pharmacological treatment for SIB. In this Congress, we report on our trials of non-pharmacological intervention applied for SIB.
We surveyed 21 mentally handicapped subjects with SIB (8 females and 13 males, 15 of them also had physical handicaps) using a retrospective questionnaire completed by their main caregivers. In the questionnaire, their dairy medical problems, psycho-behavioral complications, features/incidence/triggers/surroundings of the SIB, what interventions tried and whether that found to be efficacious, were asked. Clinical information from correspondent doctors was also examined.
As psycho-behavioral complications, “excessive excitability” was reported in 19 subjects, “daily harmful behavior to others” was reported in 9 subjects. As to mood conditions preceding SIB, “excitement” was observed in 12 subjects, “irritability” in 6 subjects, ”panic” in 5 subjects. As to probable triggers of SIB, noise or temperature of surroundings was identified in 12 subjects. Interventions for surrounding environment were tried in 12 subjects and were effective to reduce SIB in 10 subjects. Helping them to understand their schedule was effective in 11out of 16. Ordering them to stop SIB after it occurs made no change or worsen the behavior in 13 out of 14.
As intervening in SIB in mentally and physically handicapped, considering triggers and/or factors in the surroundings and having maximum communications with patients are especially important.