Presentation information

Parallel Session

[PS7] Parallel Session 7: Traumatic Brain Injury

Thu. May 11, 2017 1:40 PM - 3:30 PM Room C (1F Argos D)

Chair: Yoshihiro Maegaki (Tottori University Hospital), Hua WANG (Shengjing Hospital of China Medical University)

[PS7-1C-2] Sport related brain injury of school students

Yutaka Shigemori1, 2 (1.Faculty of Sports and Health Science, Fukuoka University, Japan, 2.Department of Neurosurgery, Faculty of Medicine, Fukuoka University, Japan)

[Introduction] Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is still one of the leading cause of disability and morbidity in the childhood. They include by traffic accident, abuse and other incidences. Among them, the sport-related TBI is also one of the important topics in Japan. In this presentation, the author will report the epidemiological features, therapeutic problems and protective measures on Judo-induced TBI in Judo players of the school students.
[Methodology] The data was collected from the record of National Agency for the Advancement of Sports and Health in the last 27years-from 1983 to 2009 in Japanese junior and senior high school students and analyzed concerning Judo players.
[Results] Review of the records revealed that an annual number of student dead were 4 cases. Among the 108 dead students, 64 (59.3%) were in the first grade of senior and junior high school. The incidence of fatality was thus significantly high in the beginners. Seventy cases (64.8%) of 108 were brain parenchymal injury, 47 (43.5%) had acute subdural hematoma. In the dead cases, 11 students had repeated head injury and 3 cases were suspected with so called” second impact”. Throwing technique were Oosotogari, Seoinage and Taniotoshi.
[Conclusions] These results indicate the urgent necessity of preventive measures for the accidents in the
Judo of the school students because of their high mortality and disability rates. The author will propose the actual and practical measures at the presentation.