The 12th China-Japan-Korea Symposium on Radiopharmaceutical Sciences

Program (Sep. 20th, Afternoon)

September 20th, Friday, Afternoon
12:10-14:30    Lunch on Poster Session
 (Foyer, Elevator hall, Rehearsal room)
14:40-15:20    Oral Session 5 (Lecture hall)
               Session Chairs: 
Yu Liu, Chinese Academy of Sciences
                                                   Kyo Chul LeeKorea Institute of Radiological
                                              and Medical Sciences
14:40-14:50 O-21  Development of novel SPECT probes targeting aminopeptidase activity
                            to detect peritoneal dissemination

                              Atsuki Abe, The University of Tokyo
14:50-15:00 O-22  A novel L-ASNase labeling probe for sensitizing radiotherapy and
                           enhancing anti-tumor efficacy by synergistically modulating the tumor
                           immune microenvironment

                              Ying Zhang, Chinese Academy of Sciences
15:00-15:10 O-23  A novel PET tracer [18F]-Florbetazine for Alzheimer’s disease diagnosis
                              Hailong Zhao, HTA Co., Ltd.
15:10-15:20 O-24  Development of neopentyl 211At-labeled activated ester for targeted  
                            alpha therapy

                               Hiroshi Tanaka, Juntendo University

15:20-15:25    Break 
15:25-16:15    Oral Session 6 (Lecture hall)
               Session Chairs: 
Joo Hyun KangKorea Institute of Radiological
                                             and Medical Sciences

                                                   Masashi UedaOkayama University
15:25-15:35 O-25  Synthesis and Evaluation of Dimeric Fibroblast Activation Protein-
                            Targeting Radioligands

                              Xuran Zhang, Sungkyunkwan University
15:35-15:45 O-26  Computational NanoMaterials Design case study: Adsorption of
                            astatine on metallic carrier materials for targeted alpha therapy      

                              Jeffrey Tanudji, Osaka University
15:45-15:55 O-27  Radiolabeled nanomaterials as nuclear imaging probes for theranostics
                              Changtong Yang, Singapore General Hospital
15:55-16:05 O-28  Synthesis and evaluation of [211At] FAPI derivatives for targeted alpha
                            therapy of tumors expressing fibroblast activation protein (FAP)

                               Yoshifumi Shirakami, The University of Osaka
16:05-16:15 O-29  Alpha tergeted therapy by regulating Intracellular dynamics of antibody

                               Kazuya Kabayama, Osaka University
16:15-16:25    Break 
16:25-17:10    Young Investigator Award Session (Lecture hall)
                          Session Chair: 
Mikako Ogawa, Hokkaido University
16:25-16:40  YIA-01    Development of Bimodal Agents for Combined Use
                                in Auger Electron and Photodynamic Cancer Therapy

                             Hiroyuki Watanabe, Kyoto University
16:40-16:55  YIA-02    Development of a Folate-Albumin/ICG Complex
                                 for Enhanced Targeting and imaging of Endometrial
                                Cancer Metastasis

                              Jiyoon Kim, Seoul National University College of Medicine
16:55-17:10  YIA-03   Covalent Targeted Radioligands Potentiate
                             Radionuclide Therapy
                                       Xi-Yang Cui, Peking University
17:10-17:30    Presentation Award Announcement
                     Award Ceremony
 (Lecture hall)
17:30-17:40    Introduction of upcoming symposiums
  (Lecture hall)
17:40-17:50    Closing Ceremony (Lecture hall)