The 102nd CSJ Annual Meeting

Presentation information

Academic Program [Oral A]

19. Colloid and Interface Chemistry » Oral A

[A202-4pm] 19. Colloid and Interface Chemistry

Sat. Mar 26, 2022 1:00 PM - 3:40 PM A202 (Online Meeting)

Chair: Ryo Kato, Ken-ichi Iimura

2:40 PM - 2:50 PM

[A202-4pm-11] Effect of hydrophobic chain length on property and formation process of adsorbed films of fatty acid soaps at the air/water interface.

Kota Kobayashi1, Ken-ichi Iimura1, Minami Kimura2, Tetsuro Iwanaga2 (1. Utsunomiya University, 2. Kracie Home Products)

[Lang.] Japanese

Keywords:Fatty acid, Dynamic Surface Tension, Maximum Bubble Pressure Method, Adsorbed Film