The 102nd CSJ Annual Meeting

Presentation information


Academic Program [Oral B]

20. Materials Chemistry -Basic and Application- » Oral B

[C204-1pm] 20. Materials Chemistry -Basic and Application-

Wed. Mar 23, 2022 1:40 PM - 3:40 PM C204 (Online Meeting)

Chair: Takeshi Maeda, Osamu Tsutsumi

3:00 PM - 3:20 PM

[C204-1pm-05] High-speed bending and the simulation of anisole crystals based on photothermal effect and natural vibration

Yuki Hagiwara1, Shodai Hasebe1, Meguya Ryu2, Hiroki Fujisawa3, Junko Morikawa3, Toru Asahi1, Hideko Koshima1 (1. Waseda Univ., 2. AIST, 3. Tokyo Tech.)

[Lang.] English

Keywords:High-speed Crystal Actuation, Photothermal Effect, Natural Vibration, Simulation, Anisole Crystals