The 103rd CSJ Annual Meeting

Book of Abstracts, Abstract Submission

Book of Abstracts
Date of Publication
March 8th, 2023
Style of Publication
  • Participants can view and download the abstracts on the annual meeting website. The collection of abstracts(online) will be available for viewing to non-participants of the meeting three months after the end of the meeting.

Submission of the Abstract
【Please Note】
  • Your application for the presentation will be deemed canceled if the abstract is not submitted by the final day of the submission period.
  • Replacement or amendment of the abstract after the submission deadline will not be accepted for any reason whatsoever.
Submission Period
December 5th, 2022 to January 11st, 2023

How to Submit
Please create a PDF file of the abstract and submit it via the Online Application Form on the Annual Meeting website.

  Submission of the Abstract

Creation Method of the Abstract
Please use the template and create a proper PDF file.
Pages of the Abstract
  • Oral A, Oral B, Poster :1 page
  • Symposium, Award Presentation, Special Lecture: within 2 pages
Template of the Abstract
A template is available.
English version Word file
Sample Image of the Abstract

[English version]


Attention for Creation of PDF Files
File Format and File Name

Please create the file with Adobe Acrobat Reader 4.0 or later. Viewable and printable files are requested. Also, please display the extension name (.pdf).

File Size

A PDF file should be within 500 KB.
Attention for Preparing the Abstract
Available Fonts

Available fonts are listed below. In the case of using the other fonts, some letters may not be displayed correctly.

Name of Available Fonts
[14 Latin fonts]
ZapfDingbats (Contained Times, Times New Roman)

Document Setup
Paper Size
A4 (297mm×210mm) Vertical
Left 32 mm, Right 32 mm, Top 42 mm, Bottom 42 mm
Don't change the margin size, or it will cause some significant troubles, for example, lack of balance among other drafts.
Available Area The center of the A4 paper is available. Please write the abstract in the space of 146 mm width and 213 mm height.
Size of Fonts An indication of font size is about 11-12pt.
Space between Lines An indication of line space is about 12-14pt (4.23 mm - 4.95 mm). You can adjust the space depending on the amount of body.