The 103rd CSJ Annual Meeting

Presentation information

Academic Program [Oral B]

04. Physical Chemistry -Properties- » Oral B

[K203-2pm] 04. Physical Chemistry -Properties-

Thu. Mar 23, 2023 1:10 PM - 3:30 PM K203 (K203, Lecture Hall Bldg. [2F])

Chair: Kiyoshi Miyata, Ryohei Kishi

3:10 PM - 3:30 PM

[K203-2pm-06] Theoretical study on relationship between open-shell character and intermolecular interaction energy in closely-π-stacked aggregates composed of antiaromatic molecules

Ryota Sugimori1, Masato Ikeuchi1, Ryohei Kishi1,2,3,4, Yasutaka Kitagawa1,2,3,4,5 (1. Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka University, 2. RCSEC, Osaka University, 3. QIQB, Osaka University, 4. ICS-OTRI, Osaka University, 5. SRN-OTRI, Osaka University)

[Lang.] Japanese

Keywords:π-stacked aromaticity, antiaromatic molecules, intermolecular interaction, quantum chemical calculation