The 103rd CSJ Annual Meeting

Presentation information

Academic Program [Oral A]

21. Energy and Related Chemistry, Geo and Space Chemistry » Oral A

[K303-2vn] 21. Energy and Related Chemistry, Geo and Space Chemistry

Thu. Mar 23, 2023 4:10 PM - 6:10 PM K303 (K303, Lecture Hall Bldg. [3F])

Chair: Kazutaka Akiyoshi, Tomoya Nakamura

5:40 PM - 5:50 PM

[K303-2vn-09] Effect of reducing surface defects of nanostructures on photovoltaic efficiency of Si nanocone/PEDOT:PSS solar cells

Shinichi Himuro1, Keisuke Sato1 (1. Tokyo Denki University)

[Lang.] Japanese

Keywords:solar cells, Metal Assisted Chemical Etching, nanocone, surface defects, organic polymer