The 103rd CSJ Annual Meeting

Presentation information

Academic Program [Oral B]

14. Organic Chemistry -Aromatic, Heterocyclic, and Heteroatom Compounds- » Oral B

[K703-1am] 14. Organic Chemistry -Aromatic, Heterocyclic, and Heteroatom Compounds-

Wed. Mar 22, 2023 9:00 AM - 11:10 AM K703 (K703, Lecture Hall Bldg. [7F])

Chair: Jumpei Taguchi, Yoshiaki Shoji

10:30 AM - 10:50 AM

[K703-1am-05] Spiro-conjugated 1,4-Dihydropentalenes: Short-step Synthesis by Iron-catalysis and Materials Properties.

Aziz Khan1, Mengqing Chen1, Rui Shang1, Eiichi Nakamura1 (1. The University of Tokyo)

[Lang.] English

Keywords:Iron-catalysis, spiro-conjugation, 1,4-dihydropentalenes, annulation, electronic materials