TC209 Workshop on Geotechnics for Offshore Wind


Registration for both the workshop and the networking event has been closed as the number of applicants has reached their capacity. Thank you very much for many applications. If you wish to be placed on the waiting list, please send an e-mail to the secretariat. You will receive the confirmation of your participation by the end of September. [15 September 2023]


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The day after the workshop, 31 October, is Halloween. Every year, on Halloween night, Shibuya attracts so many people making it difficult to walk around and creating an unusual commotion. If you are staying in Tokyo on 31st, we recommend that you stay away from Shibuya. [13 September 2023]


(2023/09/13 18:10)

The networking event has reached its capacity. Acceptance of applications except for those invited has been closed. Workshop is still available to capacity, so please register as soon as possible if you would like to attend. [12 September 2023].


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