TC209 Workshop on Geotechnics for Offshore Wind

Networking event


You're cordially invited to the post workshop networking to build further network with other participants from Japan and around the world. We are providing dinner and drinks at the place detailed in the followings.

During the registration process, you may find RSVP for this networking event. Please select "attend" if you plan to attend. Please note that the space of the venue is limited. Please register ASAP to ensure your participation.

The networking event has reached its capacity. Acceptance of applications except for those invited has been closed. Workshop is still available to capacity, so please register as soon as possible if you would like to attend. [12 September 2023].

October 30, 2023
6:00PM to 8:00PM 6:30PM to 8:30PM
Participation fee for networking event
7,000 JPY
Lever son verre Komaba in Komaba campus of Tokyo University