Eleventh International Conference of Inertial Fusion Sciences and Applications (IFSA2019)


There is a lost key case. If you lost it please come to the registration desk.
(Maybe Japanese participant's)

(2019/09/27 11:30)

Proceedings of IFSA2019 conference will be published in a special issue of High Energy Density Physics (https://www.journals.elsevier.com/high-energy-density-physics). A special website will be open soon. Please remind that the deadline for manuscript submission is 25th December. We will announce you via e-mail when we are ready for receiving your manuscript.

(2019/09/27 11:17)

Six Yamanaka Award Winners were announced during the banquet.

* Adrianna Marie Angulo, "Resolving Fine-Scale Structures of Late-Time Rayleigh-Taylor Instability Growth on the National Ignition Facility",
* Varchas Gopalaswamy, "Statistically Guided Design of Direct-Drive Inertial Confinement Fusion Experiments",
* Matthew Khan, "Diagnosing Hot Electrons in the Shock Ignition Regime",
* Hang Li, A Novel Three-Axis Cylindrical Hohlraum Designed for Inertial Confinement Fusion",
*Kazuki Matsuo, "Experimental Study for Characterizing the Effect of a Strong Magnetic Field to Interfacial Instability",
* Jonathan Motye Wengrowicz, "High-Resolution X-Ray Imaging of High-intensity Sources".

We received 122 recommendations from participants. Committee member selected winners with the consideration of the vote result.

(2019/09/27 09:19)

Final notice. The Yamanaka-award vote will be closed at 5pm today. If you don't have code, please come the check-in desk.

(2019/09/26 16:11)

Please vote to Yamanaka Award winner before 5pm today. Committee will select winners with the consideration of your votes from 5:30pm.

(2019/09/26 10:39)

The first oral talk in Target Fabrication Section (Room C) is canceled due to unpredictable issue. The session will start at 1:40pm.

(2019/09/26 10:38)

An unpredictable cancellation happens in Target Fabrication section (1:20 pm - 3:00 pm Thursday). If you can give an oral talk in this session, please contact FUJIOKA (program co-chair) before today's afternoon session. FUJIOKA will be around the Check-in Desk during the coffee and lunch breaks.

(2019/09/25 09:39)

An event in Today's afternoon!

Asian Users' Facilities Meeting 1:30pm - 3:30pm on September 25 (Wednesday)

This event is open to all IFSA participants. Persons will introduce Asian Users' laser facilities (J-KAREN (QST, Japan), SACLA (RIKEN, Japan), GEKKO-LFEX (Osaka U, Japan) , SG-II series (SIOM, China) especially for scientists who are interested in the facilities. Pre-registration is not required. The following items will be discussed in the meeting.

1) Specifications of the laser system.
2) The procedure of proposal selection (proposal format, time schedule, review committee, etc.)
3) The important point in proposal writing.
4) Examples of outcomes from users’ experiments.

(2019/09/25 06:10)

To Yamanaka Award Candidates, please display your poster from today.

(2019/09/23 13:54)

Wifi connection
WPA-SPK: NakanoshimaOsaka

(2019/09/22 20:23)

Speakers of Monday's morning sessions must submit your file in today's evening at the speaker ready room on 1st Floor. If the speakers can not come to the room today. Please inform the organizer as soon as possible.

(2019/09/22 11:25)

A preliminary version of the conference program is now open.

(2019/07/05 19:48)

“River Cruising” The excursion boat tour at Osaka-Minami (South area of Osaka)
Time, date; 25th (Wed), Sep 2019, 16:00~(before conference dinner)
Fee: For free

Before the conference dinner, we will have IFSA2019 boat tour at Osaka-Minami river from the conference site to near the Banquet site. It takes about 2 hours. Since the number of embarkation is limited by boat capacity, we will close the invitation when the full amount is reached. Please register in the registration webform “River Cruising” if you wish to join in it.
In Meiji –period (1868-1912) Osaka was developed by water transportation, and called “City of water”. There are various waterfront symbol spaces and wharves and the illumination of embankments and bridges along “water circuit” of rivers that flow around the city. IFSA2019 prepares a boat tour which will take you from the conference site to the banquet site via “Douton bori” which is one of the famous Osaka-symbol places. It takes about an hour half. IFSA2019 local organizer invites all of your participation.

The conference dinner will be held at La Fete Hiramatsu, a restaurant located near the conference site. It is located 37th floor of the building.
Date, time 26th (Thur), Sep 2019, 18:00~
Location: Nakanoshima Festival Tower, 37F
A 10-minute walk from the conference site.

(2019/05/09 15:14)