Eleventh International Conference of Inertial Fusion Sciences and Applications (IFSA2019)


Oral (Invited)

Alternative ignition schemes

[2A11-14] Alternative ignition schemes 1

2019年9月23日(月) 16:40 〜 18:00 Room A [Large Assembly Room] (Osaka City Central Public Hall)

Session Chair:Tomoyuki Johzaki

17:20 〜 17:40

[2A13] Diagnosing Hot Electrons in the Shock Ignition Regime

*Matthew Khan1, Luca Antonelli1, Kevin Glize2, Nigel Woolsey1, Wolfgang Theoblad3, Manuel Stoeckl3, Mingsheng Wei3, Riccardo Betti3, Stefano Atzeni4, Warren Garbett5, Chikang Li6, Robbie Scott2 (1. University of York(UK), 2. Central Laser Facility(UK), 3. Laboratory for Laser Energetics(United States of America), 4. Dipartimento SBAI(Italy), 5. AWE Aldermaston(UK), 6. Plasma Science and Fusion Center(United States of America))

