2021 Annual Meeting of Japan Association of Mineralogical Sciences (JAMS)

Presentation information

Poster presentation

R1: Characterization and description of minerals (Joint Session with The Gemmological Society of Japan)

Fri. Sep 17, 2021 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM ePoster Session

9:30 AM - 6:30 PM

[R1P-03] Chemical features of high-salinity fluid inclusions in quartz crystals from Oohinata acidic rocks, Nagano prefecture.

*Masanori Kurosawa1, Takuya Tsuda2 (1. Life Environ. Sci., Univ. Tsukuba, 2. Grd. Sch., Univ. Tsukuba)

Keywords:fluid inclusion, daughter crystal, SEM, granite, hydrothermal fluid

Daughter minerals in polyphase fluid inclusions of quartz crystals from quartz veins at the Oohinata acidic rocks, Nagano, Japan, were analyzed with a SEM–EDS to examine chemical features of highly-saline and sulfidic hydrothermal fluids from granitoids associated with polymetallic ore deposits in Japan. Many crystals of rock salt, sylvine, pyrite, chalcopyrite, anhydrite, feldspar, muscovite, rutile, barite, sphalerite, fluorite, loellingite, galena, molybdenite, monazite, and vanadium-rich hematite were observed as daughter crystals in the inclusions.