2021 Annual Meeting of Japan Association of Mineralogical Sciences (JAMS)

Presentation information

Poster presentation

S1, S4: Earth materials science related to igneous processes and plate convergence region (Joint Special Session)

Fri. Sep 17, 2021 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM ePoster Session

9:30 AM - 6:30 PM

[S4P-02] Kinematics of Main Central Thrust estimated from microstructure of mylonite, Himayala

*Hirotoshi Kotama1, Jun-ichi Ando1, Kaushik Das1, Dyuti Prakash Sarkar1 (1. Hiroshima University)

Keywords:Mylonite, Phyllosilicate minerals, c-axis fabric, Channel flow

To clarify the faulting process underwent in the brittle-plastic transition zone, we have characterized the deformation microstructure of mylonitic rocks exposed in the North Almora Thrust Zone, which belongs to the Main Central Thrust System. From this study, we were able to clarify the temperature, flow stress and shear sense conditions for mylonitization. The fact that the fluid has a strong influence on precursory rock deformation of faulting is also understood.