



2022年9月18日(日) 09:00 〜 12:15 B253 (総合教育研究棟 B棟2F)

座長: 川添 貴章(広島大学)、西 真之(大阪大学)

11:30 〜 11:45

[R3-10] Sound velocity of hcp-iron to the inner core pressure, and light elements in the inner core

*生田 大穣1、大谷 栄治1、福井 宏之2,3、境 毅4、石川 大介2,3、バロン アルフレッド2,3 (1. 東北大・理・地学、2. 理研、3. JASRI、4. 愛媛大・GRC)


In this study, we have conducted sound velocity measurements of hcp-iron with inelastic x-ray scattering (IXS) method to the Earth's inner core pressure by using a newly designed diamond anvil "stepped bevel" type for extreme pressure generations, and the Soller screen system for reducing noises. The experiments were succeeded to obtained reasonable IXS peaks from hcp-iron. The experimental density of hcp-iron reached up to 13.87 g/cm3, the maximum pressure is about 310-330 GPa, and we succeeded to derive sound velocity of hcp-iron at the Earth's inner core pressures.