2022 Annual Meeting of Japan Association of Mineralogical Sciences (JAMS)

Presentation information

Poster presentation

R4: Mineral sciences of the Earth surface

Mon. Sep 19, 2022 9:00 AM - 3:30 PM B256 (Adv. Edu. Res. Bldg. B-2F)

9:00 AM - 3:30 PM

[R4P-02] Texture observation on the calcite-aragonite interface in the skeletons of culturing scleractinian coral

*Satoko Motai1, Saki Harii2, Naotaka Tmioka3, Motoo Ito3 (1. Yamagata Univ. Sci., 2. Univ. of Ryukyus, 3. KOCHI, JAMSTEC)

Keywords: reef-building coral, biomineralization

Most scleractinian corals inhabit tropical and subtropical oceans with symbiont algae and have aragonitic skeletons. Calcite, however, has been reported as a skeletal component in corals currently inhabiting the Southern Ocean with low temperatures or in Cretaceous corals that inhabited seas with different chemical compositions. In this study, corals were cultured in conditions where calcite precipitation was induced and the skeletal texture including the interface of calcite and aragonite were observed using a TEM, to reveal polymorph selection in coral calcification.