2022 Annual Meeting of Japan Association of Mineralogical Sciences (JAMS)

Presentation information

Oral presentation

R5: Extraterrestrial materials

Sat. Sep 17, 2022 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM B251 (Adv. Edu. Res. Bldg. B-2F)

Chairperson: Matsumoto Megumi(Tohoku Univ.), Yusuke Seto(Osaka Metropolitan Univ.)

11:30 AM - 11:45 AM

[R5-08] Magnetite 3D morphology in Hayabusa2 returned sample: diversity and implication

*Akira Tsuchiyajma1, Megumi Matsumoto2, Junya Matsuno1, Akira Miyake3, Tomoki Nakamura2, Takaaki Noguchi3, Masanori Yasutake4, Kentaro Uesugi4, Akihisa Takeuchi4, Satomi Enju5, Aki Takigawa7, Shota Okumura3, Itaru Mitsukawa3, Mingqi Sun6, Yuma Enokido2 (1. Ritsumeikan Univ. , 2. Tohoku Univ. Sci., 3. KyotoUniv. Sci., 4. JASRI/SPring8, 5. Ehime Univ. Sci., 6. CAS/GIG, 7. Tokyo Univ. Sci.)

Keywords:Asteroid Ruygu, X-ray nanotomography, TEM, aqueous alteration, CI chondrite

We performed nanoCT analysis of samples returned from the Asteroid Ryugu by Hayabusa2 and revealed the 3D morphology of magnetite crystals in the samples. Based on this result, we proposed an evolution model for the magnetite morphology during aqueous alteration, where spherulites precipitated followed by plaquette and framboids from highly-supersaturated solution and then finally larger euhedral crystals precipitated from solution of decreased degree supersaturation.