


R7:岩石・鉱物・鉱床 (資源地質学会 との共催 セッション)

2022年9月17日(土) 09:30 〜 17:30 B256 (総合教育研究棟 B棟2F)

09:30 〜 17:30

[R7P-13] 福徳岡ノ場からタイに漂着した軽石

*吉田 健太1、田村 芳彦1、佐藤 智紀1、Sangmanee Chalermrat2、Puttapreecha Ratchanee2、小野 重明1 (1. JAMSTEC、2. タイ海洋・沿岸資源局)


In February 2022, pumice with similar characteristics to the FOB pumice was deposited along along the Gulf of Thailand. The pumice clasts deposited in Songkhla Province, Thailand, were <4 cm in length and rounded. The overall characteristics in the pumice from Thailand are similar to those in FOB pumice. These pumice in Thailand were from the 2021 FOB eruption, and drifted >2800 km south-westward across the South China Sea.