11:30 AM - 11:45 AM
[R8-10] Stable isotope geochemistry of the olivine-bearing dolomitic marble in the Hida Belt, Japan
[Presentation award entry]
Keywords:Hida Belt, dolomitic marble, carbon isotope, oxygen isotope, abiotic methane synthesis
Marble, a metacarbonate rock, occurs in various orogenic belts throughout the Earth's history. We newly determined C–O isotopecompositions of upper amphibolite-facies dolomitic marbles from the Hida Belt, Japan. The C–O isotope compositions of dolomitic marble are characterized by δ13C[VPDB] = –3.3 to +2.8‰, δ18O[SMOW] = +8.6 to +20.0‰ respectively; overall, calcite tends to show lower δ13C values than dolomite. New data can be explained by the result of the olivine forming decarbonation reaction.