The 35th Annual Conference of the Japanese Association for South Asian Studies

Notices for Presenters and Chairs (New!)

  • Each session room will have a desktop PC (Windows OS) with Microsoft Office 2016 installed. If a presenter makes presentation using projector, in principle, the presenter shall use the provided desktop PC for the platform. The presenter shall bring presentation file on a USB memory stick, etc., and transfer the file to the PC before the session starts.
  • If you wish to bring your own PC, please confirm in advance if it can be connected to VGA or HDMI terminals which the projector of the room supports. VGA and HDMI cables are provided at the session rooms. However, conversion adapters are not available, so please prepare your own if necessary. It is not permitted to extend the allotted time due to equipment troubles resulted from using your own PC on the platform.
  • Due to limitations of the on-campus network at the Teikyo University Hachioji Campus, it is not possible to connect to the Internet using the desktop PCs provided at the session rooms. There are no Wi-Fi facilities in the session rooms. If you need Internet access for your presentation, you must bring your own PC and mobile router.
  • If you provide handouts for your presentation, please bring the necessary number of copies yourself in advance. There are about 130 participants registered for the conference, and the venue is divided into three session rooms. Please place the handouts on the long table at the entrance of the session room. There is no copy machine available at the venue on the days of the conference.
  • Presenters of Individual Paper Sessions shall confirm the procedure to moderator, place your handouts and transfer your presentation file to the PC on the platform 10 minutes before the session starts (or during the breaks between sessions).
  • A Presenter of Individual Paper Session will have 25 minutes (15 minutes for presentation, 10 minutes for Q & A). The presenter shall follow the instructions of the moderator and shall not exceed the allotted time. The moderator rings the bell for three times during your presentation: 10th minute, 15th minute and 25th minute after the start of your presentation. When the last bell rings, please vacate the stage promptly for the next presenter.
  • Even if a presentation is cancelled on the day of the session, each session will proceed according to the original time schedule. Each presentation time will not be moved up due to cancellations. We will make every effort to proceed the conference according to the program, however if it is necessary to change the time or session room due to unavoidable circumstances, we would appreciate your understanding and cooperation.