the 35th JASID Annual Conference and the 14th JAHSS Annual Conference

Presentation information

Oral presentation

International Order and Human Security in Asia and Africa

Sun. Nov 10, 2024 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM F308 (Fujimizaka Campus 308)

Chair: Hazuki SASAKI(Kanazawa University)

Commentators: Hazuki SASAKI(Kanazawa University), Kyoko CROSS(Kyoto Sangyo University)

9:30 AM - 10:00 AM

[2G201] Contested Human Security Norm in ASEAN: Questioning the Robustness

*Irawan Jati1 (1. Universitas Islam Indonesia)

Keywords:ASEAN, Asylum seekers, Human security norm, Natural disasters, Norm robustness, Refugees

The concept of human security norm has been embraced and integrated into ASEAN and its member states for more than ten years. However, the degree to which ASEAN and its member states genuinely commit to this norm is debatable. This paper posits that the human security norm is continuously contested. Consequently, the robustness of human security norm is also under scrutiny. This argument is grounded in the qualitative observation of the implementation of the human security norm in the region. Implementing the norm presents challenges due to disparities in threat perceptions among ASEAN member states, the presence of cognitive priors, and the absence of institutional mechanisms. This paper's analysis compares two distinct human security threats: natural disasters, and refugee and asylum issues. In particular, this research looks into ASEAN’s collaborative approach to natural disasters events and unresponsive action towards refugees and asylum seekers. This research contributes to the field of norm studies in several ways. First, it critically evaluates the robustness of human security norms in the ASEAN context, aiming to illuminate the 'status' of the norm and its reception within the region. Second, this paper participates in the ongoing discourse regarding regional organization and states' compliance with adopted norms.

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