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Wind loading on structure (2)

Tue. Dec 6, 2016 3:10 PM - 4:40 PM AIJ Hall (AIJ)

司会:西嶋 一欽(京都大学防災研究所)

3:28 PM - 3:46 PM

[40] Study on Wind Loads on a Cantilevered Roof above Stands by Wind Tunnel Test and LES

○Ryohei Nakamura1, Tetsuro Taniguchi2 (1.TAISEI Corporation, 2.Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka City University)

Keywords:Cantilevered roof, Wind tunnel test, LES, complex POD analysis

Generally, the design wind loads for the cantilevered roof of stadiums have been determined with the pressure and/or force coefficients for partially enclosed buildings. However there are cases when the slits are installed between the roof and the stands of stadiums. Although the pressure and force coefficients in consideration with the slits are required in these cases, few studies are available on these coefficients.
This paper presents the force coefficients corresponding to the size of slits and pitch of a roof above stand. These coefficients are evaluated by wind tunnel tests and Large Eddy Simulation (LES) that has become available technique to evaluate the wind loads for tall buildings. By comparing the numerical analytic results with the experimental results, the availability of LES to evaluate wind loads on large roofs is examined. And also coherent structures on the pressure field obtained by LES is considered by using the complex Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (POD)