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8.Structural Materials » Structural Materials

[P] P260~P280

Wed. Sep 18, 2024 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM Poster Session Room1 (Assembly Hall at Osaka Univ. Hall)

4:00 PM - 5:30 PM

[P268] Effect of 573 K Annealing on Properties of Al-2.5% Fe Alloys Produced by Laser Powder Bed Fusion

*Ryota TATSUMI1, Kazuhiro ISHIKAWA1, Naoki TAKATA2, Yoji MIYAJIMA1 (1. Kanazawa university, 2. Nagoya university)


現在,Al-Fe合金の焼鈍に伴う諸特性の変化に関する報告は少ない.本研究は,573 Kの焼鈍をAl-Fe合金に施し,諸特性の測定を目的とした.

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