The 39th JAPAN- KOREA Urological Congress

Session information

Sponsored Seminar

Sponsored Symposium 4

Sat. Oct 28, 2023 11:30 AM - 12:20 PM Room 1: Subaru WEST (Hotel Nikko Tsukuba Annex Bldg.1F)

Chair: Yoshiyuki Kakehi (Kagawa University), Sung Kyu Hong (Seoul National University)

Sponsored by Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited

[Yoshiyuki Kakehi's Biography]
Current job: President, Kagawa University
Education: Graduated from Kyoto University Faculty of Medicine in 1981(M.D.). Graduated from Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine in 1989 (Ph.D.
Employment: 2000: Associate Professor, Department of Urology, Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine
2001-2017.9: Professor and Chairman, Department of Urology, Kagawa University Faculty of Medicine
2017.10-2023.9: President, Kagawa University
2023.10-: Emeritus Professor, Kagawa University; Executive Director, The Institute for Innovation & Design, Kagawa University

[Sung Kyu Hong's Biography]
Professor Sung Kyu Hong specializes in various urological cancers, including prostate cancer, kidney cancer, and bladder cancer. He performs various uro-oncological surgeries, including robot-assisted laparoscopic radical prostatectomy and other minimal invasive procedures. He has completed visiting investigatorship at Sidney Kimmel Center for Prostate and Urologic Cancers, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, NY, NY, USA (mentors: Peter Scardino, James Eastham). Having spent many years in USA, Professor Hong, fluent in English, is certainly capable of meeting the needs of international patients. He is very much interested in prostate cancer and has authored more than 200 articles published in international peer-reviewed scientific journals. He is currently serving as an editor-in-chief of Prostate International (SCI-indexed; 2022 IF 3.0) and also as deputy editor of Investigative and Clinical Urology (SCI-indexed; 2022 IF 2.3). And Professor Hong currently serves as the President of Korean Prostate Society and the Chair of International Relations Committee of Korean Urological Association. Internationally, Professor Hong is currently serving as board member (chair of urotechnology and training) of Societe Internationale d’urologie (SIU) and also as the elected council member of Urological Association of Asia (UAA). Professor Hong has been a part of several large-scale, international clinical trials on the management of urological cancers. Performing various endoscopic surgeries, he also manages other benign prostatic diseases, such as BPH and prostatitis.



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