*Daisuke Inazu1, Tsuyoshi Ikeya1, Toshio Iseki1, Takuji Waseda2 (1.Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology, 2.The University of Tokyo)
Daisuke Inazu
Speaker, Author, Co-Author
One-off sessions
- [E] Oral
- | H (Human Geosciences )
- | H-DS Disaster geosciences
One-off sessions
- [J] Oral
- | S (Solid Earth Sciences )
- | S-CG Complex & General
*Hideto Otsuka1, Yusaku Ohta1, Ryota Hino1, Tatsuya Kubota2, Daisuke Inazu3 (1.Research Center for Prediction of Earthquakes and Volcanic Eruptions, Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University, 2.National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience, 3.Department of Marine Resources and Energy, Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology)
One-off sessions
- [E] Oral
- | M (Multidisciplinary and Interdisciplinary)
- | M-IS Intersection
*Yoichiro Dobashi1, Daisuke Inazu1 (1.Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology)
*Tomohiro Inoue1, Tomoya Muramoto2, Daisuke Inazu3, Yoshihiro Ito4, Ryota Hino5, Kazuaki Ohta6, Syuichi Suzuki5 (1.Kyoto University, 2.National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, 3.Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology, 4.Disaster Prevention Research Institute, 5.Tohoku University, 6.National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience)