Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2023

Presentation information

[J] Oral

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[O-03] Can you survive natural disasters by learning in school?

Sun. May 21, 2023 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM Exhibition Hall Special Setting (2) (Exhibition Hall 8, Makuhari Messe)

convener:Shintaro Hayashi, Yasuhiro Taguchi, Ryuta YAMAMOTO(Education Center for Regional Development), Yutaka TAKAHASHI(Toshimagaoka-joshigakuen), Chairperson:Shintaro Hayashi(Akita University Graduate School of Education), Yasuhiro Taguchi, Ryuta YAMAMOTO(Education Center for Regional Development), Yutaka TAKAHASHI(Toshimagaoka-joshigakuen)

9:18 AM - 9:33 AM

[O03-02] Let’s consider from learning earthquake disasters using textbooks of RIKA, natural science, in schools

★Invited Papers

*Hiroo Nemoto1 (1.Ritsumeikan University)

Keywords:primary school, lower secondary school, upper secondary school, RIKA (natural science) and earth science, earthquake, earthquake disaster

- Are the concrete learning contents decided in primary and lower secondary schools which are compulsory education in Japan?
- Has it been decided what the pupils should learn about natural disasters?
- Has it been decided what the pupils should learn about natural disasters in RIKA, which is roughly translated natural science?
- Are all students who belong to upper secondary schools in Japan supposed to learn about natural disasters?

We need to work towards improvement of educational issue about natural disasters in schools through the search for answers to above questions. We need to work towards improvement of educational issue about natural disasters in schools through the search for answers to above questions. Firstly, therefore, I will explain the contents briefly in current textbooks using earthquake as the key word. Secondary, I would like to consider to what extent we can obtain the knowledge and so forth to survive earthquake disasters from learning at schools with everybody in this room.

NEMOTO, Hiroo (2021): Treatment of earthquake and its disaster prevention in primary and lower secondary school science in the 2017 standard curricula, the 2021 Seismological Society of Japan fall meeting, S18-04.
NEMOTO, Hiroo (2022): Earthquake and its disaster in science textbooks for lower secondary school published in 2021: Contents and problems, 2022 JpGU meeting, O05-06.
NEMOTO, Hiroo. (2022): Earthquake and its disaster in earth science textbooks for upper secondary school published in 2022: Contents and problems, IX GeoSciEd, Poster_15.
NEMOTO, Hiroo. (2022): Earthquake and its disaster in the 2022 edition of “Basic Earth Science (Chigaku Kiso)” textbooks: Contents and problems, the 2022 Japan Society of Earth Science Education meeting, MH-15.