Hakodate Conv. of JPI (51st Petroleum-Petrochemical Symposium of JPI)

Presentation information

Natural resource exploitation

[2E09-12] Natural resource exploitation(1)

Fri. Nov 12, 2021 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM Room-E (Stadio-A/Hakodate Areana)

Chair:Junya Yamada(INPEX Corp.)

1:00 PM - 1:45 PM

[2E09] [Invited] Methane flux in the subduction zone and accretionary prism — a sustainable natural gas resource

○Noriyuki Suzuki1 (1. Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University)

Japanese islands are located along the subduction zone, where the Pacific and Philippine Sea oceanic plates are subducting beneath the Japan arc at the rate of some centimeters per year. Marine and terrestrial sediments containing organic matter are brought to the deep subsurface in the subduction zone, resulting in the sustainable generation of thermogenic methane. Where and how much amount of thermogenic methane is generating in the subduction zone and associated accretionary prisms? Exploring the potential of these thermogenic methane as the sustainable natural gas resources.

Keywords:sustainable natural gas, subduction zone, accretionary prism