Hakodate Conv. of JPI (51st Petroleum-Petrochemical Symposium of JPI)

Presentation information

Poster presentatioin

[Poster] Poster presentatioin

For poster presentations with (On-line presentation) indicated after the program number, QA will be conducted online even during the face-to-face QA session.

[P21] Low-concentration CO2 capture using solid-liquid phase change of amine solution

○Kazushi Amamoto1, Soichi Kikkawa1,2,3, Yu Fujiki1, Jun Hirayama1,2, Gen Kato4, Hiroki Miura2,3,4, Tetsuya Shishido2,3,4, Seiji Yamazoe1,2,3,5 (1. Department of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science, Tokyo Metropolitan University, 2. Elements Strategy Initiative for Catalysts & Batteries, Kyoto University, 3. Research Center for Hydrogen Energy-based Society, Tokyo Metropolitan University, 4. Department of Applied Chemistry for Environment, Graduate School of Urban Environmental Sciences, Tokyo Metropolitan University, 5. Precursory Research for Embryonic Science and Technology, Japan Science and Technology Agency)


Keywords:Direct air capture, amine, phase change