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Organized Session

Organized Session » OS-9

[2C4-OS-9b] 人工知能におけるプライバシー,公平性,説明責任,透明性への学際的アプローチ(2/2)

Wed. Jun 9, 2021 3:20 PM - 4:40 PM Room C (TS / OS room 1)

座長:福地 一斗(筑波大学)

4:00 PM - 4:20 PM

[2C4-OS-9b-03] A survey on social acceptability according to the type of personal data utilization

〇Soichiro Morishita1, Masanori Takano1, Hideaki Takeda2, Fumiaki Taka3, Yuki Ogawa4 (1. CyberAgent, Inc., 2. NII, 3. Kanagawa Univ., 4. Ritsumeikan Univ.)

Keywords:Social acceptability

The rapid development of data analysis technology has enabled various uses of data, including some cases in which data usage cannot be accepted socially.
In this study, we conducted a survey, and the analysis to find acceptance of data utilization depending on the entity that utilizes the data.
The number of participants is 782.
The typology of data utilization is represented by the combination of a "data controller," "data category," "processing result," and "domain (purpose)."
We asked the participants about the acceptability of personal data utilization in two stages: whether they believe it is socially acceptable, and whether they would like to use such a service.
The former is focused on admissibility, the latter is an intention to use.
As a result, we found that acceptability, which is controlled for differences among nations, depends most heavily on an individual's beliefs about the assurance of the data controller.

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