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General Session

General Session » GS-3 Knowledge utilization and sharing

[2H1-GS-3a] 知識の利用:基礎

Wed. Jun 9, 2021 9:00 AM - 10:40 AM Room H (GS room 3)

座長:坂本 孝文(静岡大学)

10:00 AM - 10:20 AM

[2H1-GS-3a-04] Shared-Memory Parallelization of FP-growth with Dynamic Load Estimation and Balancing

〇Kentaro Sakurai1, Yoshitaka Kameya1 (1. Meijo University)

Keywords:Frequent Pattern Mining, Parallelization

Although FP-growth is known to be an efficient frequent pattern mining algorithm, it is still a problem how to make it work for huge transactional databases. In this paper, we propose a shared-memory, task parallelization method for FP-growth. In the proposed method, each task receives conditional transactions from the current FP-tree, builds a conditional FP-tree, and generates the next tasks for the successive branches in the search tree. Then, we dynamically estimate the loads of such next tasks based on the corresponding conditional FP-trees and balance them among CPU cores in the manner of work-stealing. Furthermore, in order to exploit computational resources in a light-weight way, we implement the proposed method in Rust, a compiler language that can handle memory safely without garbage collection. In the most of benchmark datasets we tested, a performance improvement in parallelization was generally observed in comparison with Zaiane et al.'s simple method.

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