
Presentation information

General Session

General Session » GS-11 AI and Society

[3H4-GS-11a] AIと社会:ナッジ

Thu. Jun 10, 2021 3:20 PM - 4:40 PM Room H (GS room 3)

座長:平嶋 宗(広島大学)

3:40 PM - 4:00 PM

[3H4-GS-11a-02] Validating the effectiveness of fact-check alerts

Strategies to prevent the spread of false information in the era of AI

Yuto Takeda1, Toya Takiguchi1, Haruka Nisitani1, Hinata Maeda1, 〇Yusuke Morikawa1 (1. Doshisha University Faculty of Commerce)

Keywords:Fact check, Nudge, Information diffusion, AI

The purpose of this study is to examine the effectiveness of fact-check alerts.We have been able to obtain much information due to the improvement of automatic news generation technology by AI and the environment that allows us to utilize a variety of media.As a result, the problem of the spread of misinformation has become more serious, and various experiments have been conducted. However, especially in emergencies and disasters, the information that is shared tends to be important for individuals. In such situations, it also triggers a goodwill to help others.Therefore, we analysed whether the function of fact-check alerts, which has been verified in previous studies, are also effective in these situations.The results will shed light on the effectiveness of fact-check alerts in the emergency situations, as well as on people's behaviors toward information, and will provide suggestions for future research.

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