4:00 PM - 4:20 PM
[3H4-GS-11a-03] Study of Nudges for Early Screening Using AI Healthcare Services
The purpose of this study is to examine the effectiveness of Nudge as a measure to promote behavior modification by AI health care service. What becomes important in order to lead the progress of aging which becomes a large problem in our country and the increase in health expenditure with it to the solution is "preventive medicine". And, what is noticed even in the inside of preventive medicine recently is "AI Healthcare Services", and further progress is anticipated in future. But there is a problem that the reliability for the AI of the human is low, and the contrivance for penetrating the AI health care service to the human seems to be necessary. In our study, we analyzed the effectiveness of Nudge as a measure to promote behavior modification for preventive medicine using a survey experiment. This study suggests the possibility of utilizing AI healthcare services in an aging society.
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