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Organized Session

Organized Session » OS-8

[4R3-OS-8b] OS-8

Fri. May 31, 2024 2:00 PM - 3:40 PM Room R (Room 51)

オーガナイザ:白松 俊(名古屋工業大学)、伊藤 孝行(京都大学)、大沼 進(北海道大学)、松尾 徳朗(産業技術大学院大学)

2:40 PM - 3:00 PM

[4R3-OS-8b-02] Discovery of Social Wish for Democracy Support Technology Required Artificial Intelligence

Based on Analysis of Online Discussions on the Issue of Removed Soil in Fukushima Prefecture

〇Qinglin Cui1, Yukihide Shibata1, Tomohiro Hara1, Yume Souma1, Mie Tsujimoto1, Susumu Ohnuma1 (1. Hokkaido University)

Keywords:Discussion support technology, KJ method, discussion mining, Issue-Based Information System (IBIS), Discourse Quality Index (DQI)

This study aims to discover the social wish for cloud-scale technology to support discussions. Discussion support technologies have been actively explored in artificial intelligence research, in which various proposals and empirical studies have been conducted to realize hyper-democracy. However, hyper-democracy support technology needs to distill social demands from empirical analysis of actual social issues. Therefore, a continuous accumulation of empirical approaches is required. In this study, we conducted an online discussion (OD) on the Issue of Removed soil in Fukushima Prefecture. Through observation of demonstration experiments and analysis of discussion data, we attempted to explore the social expectations and challenges of discussion support technology and to discover Social Wish for discourse support technology.

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